7 Jan 2025


Sorry for the late reply. We’ve been sitting on the edge of the gunwhale avidly watching our boys on Atlanta send it proper! We’re beyond stoked for Heye, Gerry and Mike! 👊🏻💪🏻👊🏻💪🏻👊🏻 #fullsend

Lastly, an L34 doesn’t allow for anything other than feelings of being stuck in the same washing machine as yesterday (and the clothes still aren’t clean)… 😂 we were hoping for lighter winds so that we could catch up to you folks up ahead but hope never really did anything other than incapacitate action so back to the trim and grind we go for the final stretch!

Much love to all at home!

Bo & Ash 👊🏻❤️⛵️☀️

One Eighty Magnus

Team Magnus has been playing catch up to the rest of the field after initial light conditions. Congratulations to the front runners, well deserved and well done. Hoping. To join you soonest. Fair winds and happy sailing for the closing phase of the race. Sailor greetings from Team Magnus. 🫡


Last night it seemed we had more broaches than one would expect to find in the average woman’s jewelry box!

The wind gusted to nearly 30 knots under squall clouds and with large shifts in pitch darkness we ended up taking some waves at bad angles with ugly results.

Anyway, no damage, so all good.

During the night a Flyingfish landed in Johnny’s lap, and a short while later another hit Di on the back. Later on two more landed in the cockpit, so it was Flyingfish for breakfast all round! Are we the most successful fishing boat of the race? All four were Cosmopolitan Flyingfish this time.

We are just inside 100 miles to go to the island and have seen our first ship in a few days. The “Lucky Hong” passed 0.5 miles astern, en route to Argentina.


We can smell the cocktails on the beach and are coming in hot!

Magic Dragon

Congratulations Atalanta on an amazing race! Well done to Flica for leading the field for so long and for your likely win on handicap. Enjoy those cold beers – you certainly deserve them!

Further back in the fleet, we spent last night marvelling at our stupidity in saying we hadn’t had one squall. Shortly after uttering those dangerous words we were becalmed between squalls almost non-stop all night. Thankfully as the sun came up so too did the wind speeds and the squalls disappeared. We’ve had the most glorious day’s sailing so far today as we race for our place against Umoya on the line and on the ORC against Magnus. No fishing today – can’t risk slowing Magic Dragon down and fish don’t bite when you’re surfing at 12 knots.

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