30 Dec 2024

The sea state certainly isn’t sounding fun. 


Beating proper haha, who would have thought. It has been hard to transition in the light winds over the top of this weather system with the J3 headsail that we have in our inventory, been cat and mouse with sy Flica and SY Fryd exchanging positions with us bow forward going into the first night and then us falling backwards yesterday behind them. Looking forward to the trades and opening and airing the boat out and taking off the foul weather gear. Already seen a few lesser great albatrosses, heaps of birds and dolphins. This weather system has finally past beneath us, looks like more light and variable winds ahead before we fully get into the trades. Otherwise all well onboard, weather improving and lots of story time on the weather rail.


All well aboard, well almost…, my two south African crew somehow don’t seem to approve of my Swedish food as they keep throwing everything up, or feeding the lobsters as we say in Sweden. Also the South African sun is turning them green in their faces instead of giving them a nice tan…,Not sure what you call this disease, completely unknown no us in Scandinavia, but luckily they seem a little bit more energetic today compared to yesterday and especially last night.  They are also complaining that the constant tilting and the continuous up and down movement of the boat was not in the sales brochure for the trip.  Luckily though, my most reliable crew, Stig Helmer, in form of a Raymarine autopilot and I are feeling great, making sure the boat is heading at a steadily pace towards St Helena.  That’s all for today.  Jarl on Fryd.


We managed to get north of the low. But Poseidon is however not happy. Sea state on the nose has been 4-6m. Big bow waves and seasickness are becoming the norm. Crew morale is still better than yesterday when we were sinking 🙂 Pete

Magic Dragon

After a decent first 24 hours where we were able to make some good gains, this second 24 hour period has been much more frustrating. When cruising it has always felt like Magic Dragon can point to windward pretty well but nothing like the other race boats in the fleet can do here. It’s seriously impressive how high they can point. The low has arrived and we now have a messier sea state and higher winds as well as a pesky counter current trying to slow our progress. The sea state is due to build over night so it’ll be sea sickness medication all round. For the moment though, the sun is shining, we have wind and it’s only a bit bumpy. Not a bad place to be…All the best, Rod, Jane, Dorothy, Peter & Vera


We have been going upwind for over 24 hours now. It has been rough since midnight and the  seas are really showing up a few issues on the boat. The windows are leaking quite badly especially above the chart table, so everything is soaked. Oh well. Not much we can do right now. When things settle down we will be able to dry things off and try to effect some sort of repair.  Crossed tacks with Magic Dragon of Dart last night but haven’t seen them again since then.

Still quite a few ships about and just now we spoke with the fishing vessel Lusinda. They are just under 2 miles from us at the moment.  Sea life still mostly consists of Albatrosses and Petrels.  No real special sightings so far today.


Wet and bumpy 24 hours, will send update when conditions improve!


Wind has picked up. Furled away some of the headsail and put a reef in the main sail. It’s been quite a bumpy day of sailing to say the least.

One Eighty Magnus

All well on board, lumpy sea conditions prevailing. Greetings from Magnus.

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